What you can expect from this situation:
You must upload a signed site support letter on the organization’s letterhead with the submission of your application materials.
What steps will you take during this process:
- Log into iRIS:https://iris.ou.edu/
- Complete the online application and upload the appropriate documents as described in "Question #6: Are you collecting data from living individuals?"
- A list of these documents are within iRIS and you will be prompted to upload them after you complete the application.
- Upload a .pdf file of the site support letter(s) that you have received.
- Refer to Question #6: Are you collecting data from living individuals for more information.
Do you need to complete CITI Training?
Yes. You, your faculty sponsor (if applicable), and anyone listed as key study personnel in Question #6 must complete CITI training. You may still submit your study application documents before training is complete, but you must complete the training before the study can be approved. Click here for a link to the website: https://www.citiprogram.org/
What else do you need to submit with your application?
- The signed site support letter.
- Complete the online application and upload the appropriate documents as described in "Question #6: Are you collecting data from living individuals?"