What you can expect from this situation:
We will work with you to coordinate the review to avoid duplication. Complete the iRIS application process and we will contact you with information about the next steps in coordinating the review of your study.
What steps will you take during this process:
- Log into iRIS:https://iris.ou.edu/
- Start your new Study Application as described in "Question #6: Are you collecting data from living individuals?"
- When you get to section 100 Key Study Personnel (KSP) Information, select Yes on question 5.4 that you have non-OU researchers on the study. This will take you to section 150 Non-OU Collaborators Information. Select the Add a New Row button for each non-OU researcher and input their information.
- In section 1600 Study Sites, respond that you will be using a non-OU site. This will branch into section 1610 Non-OU Sites. Add rows for the universities associated with each non-OU researcher and answer the all questions about that site.
- Complete the online application and upload the appropriate documents as described in "Question #6: Are you collecting data from living individuals?"
- A list of these documents are within iRIS and you will be prompted to upload them after you complete the application.
- Upload the translated documents such asrecruitment script, data collection instruments and/or consent documents as applicable with your other study materials.
- Refer to "Question #6: Are you collecting data from living individuals?" for more information.
Do you need to complete CITI Training?
Yes. You, your faculty sponsor (if applicable), and anybody listed as key study personnel in Question #6 must complete CITI training. You will be prompted to upload Alternate CITI certificates for the non-OU researchers during the study document upload section of the application. You may still submit your study application documents before training is complete, but you must complete the training before the study can be approved. Click here for a link to the website: https://www.citiprogram.org/
What else do you need to submit with your application?
- A copy of any formal agreements between institutions or researchers.
- A copy of the OU agreement (prepared by the OU IRB) and signed by the non-OU Institutional Official or non-OU researcher.
- Complete the online application and upload the appropriate documents as described in "Question #6: Are you collecting data from living individuals?"