What you can expect from this situation:
The IRB office will review your data security plan and if OU is required to sign an agreement, we will collaborate with the Office of Technology Development to expedite the signing of the agreement.
What steps will you take during this process:
- Submit an email request to irb@ou.edu. Attach your study protocol description and, if applicable, the agreement to be signed by the OU Institutional Official.
Do you need to complete CITI Training?
If you do not intend on gathering additional human subjects data, then No. If you will be gathering additional human subjects data, then yes. You, your faculty sponsor (if applicable), and anyone listed as key study personnel in #6 must complete CITI training. You may still submit your study application documents before training is complete, but you must complete the training before the study can be approved. Click here for a link to the website: https://www.citiprogram.org/
What else do you need to submit with your application?
You are required to upload/email the following documents (Some templates found on the IRB website http://irb.ou.edu/.)
- Protocol Description.
- If applicable, the agreement will be approved and signed by the OU Institutional Official.
- Also the applicable documents described in "Question #6: Are you collecting data from living individuals?"